Chiron's license was suspended by British
regulators in October, and the FDA barred
GlaxoSmithKline expects to distribute 8 million doses of Fluarix and will begin shipping immediately. Chiron, if its vaccine is re-approved, could supply 18 million to 26 million doses of Fluvirin.
USA Today August 31, 2005
Dr. Mercola's Comment:
It has been six years since
A quick surf on the net easily reveals that this new vaccine indeed contains mercury.
How is it possible that they can
approve vaccines that have a preservative that has been outlawed for six
years? Last year I ran an
article that documented that flu vaccines still contain mercury. How can
The "Mad Hatter" from
Mercury exposure can cause a devastating array of problems, including:
Is this really something you want injected into yourself, and your children?
Avoid mercury poisoning; don't eat fish, unless you are absolutely certain that it has been tested in a laboratory and shown not to contain detectable levels of mercury and other toxins. To get your vital omega-3 fatty acids, eat high quality fish oil instead. This will also, incidentally, help keep you from getting the flu.
Other ways to avoid getting the flu without taking dangerous shots include:
To learn more about the dangers of flu vaccines, you might want to consider calling into our telephone clinic on the subject, where you will hear a live discussion I will conduct with my top vaccine advisor, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who is widely regarded as one of the most knowledgeable and outspoken physicians regarding the impact that vaccines can have on health.